Current Issue
Opening speech
Phthisiology, pulmonology
Surgery, orthopedics, traumatology
Radiation diagnostics, radiation therapy
Патологическая физиология
Opening address by the Editor-in-Chief
Dear colleagues!
In front of You – the journal of the National Association of Phthistricians “Medical Alliance” or shortly - “MedAlliance”. Why “MedAllliance”? The journal’s editors hope that the one will bring together clinicians on different specialties as a platform for discussion of the topical issues in various medical fields allied with phthisiatry and pulmonology. The current medicine is represented by a wide range of the independent clinical disciplines, each of which covers a fairly tight range of professional issues, diminishing a practitioners’ horizons. In such of approach, the systemic treatment of patient is often replaced by the treatment of particular diseases by the "narrow" specialist, restricting the capabilities of effective outcomes. This leads to fragmentation on the medical network, ultimately hindering the progression in medicine. One of the most effective ways to overcome the problem is to put together the information flow coming from different areas of the present medicine.
Another feature of the current medicine is a sharp acceleration in fundamental biomedical research, and, in relation to one, development of the new medical technologies ensuring the medical measures efficacy. An alliance of fundamental science and practical health care allows to find solutions in previously intractable medical problems, contributes to the population health preservation and improvement. Many issues associated with the new approaches in health care management, in innovative technologies implementation are underwent to discuss hotly among practitioners. It is no less important for us an experience of experts from other countries. We are offering our journal as a platform for professional discussions on topical issues in medicine with involvement of specialists on different disciplines.
The new scientific and practical journal "Medical Alliance" aims to create a single information space, which allows to consolidate the efforts of phthisiatricians, pulmonologists, surgeons, oncologists, therapists, pediatricians and other clinicians for our future deal – to strength the nation's health. Innovative technologies implementation experience in health care practice, the results of the latest achievements developed by scientists should also be the publications themes in our journal.
Diverse information from many medical areas should become as a feature of our journal, and we hope that it will be interesting to clinicians of all specialties: professional knowledge, including knowledge in allied disciplines, never will be as an extra one for us, the physicians have to lifelong learning, based on their colleagues’ experiences and achievements too.
The Journal Editorial Board relies that your publications on various topical issues in medicine adequately will present the national medical network in informational environment and will be useful to clinicians on the wide range of specialties. We hope for your active participation in the discussions initiated by the journal. All materials submitted by you - research papers, analytical reviews, news reports, discussions, lectures and observation of clinical cases will be considered with the due interest and attention.
With the greatest respect,
Editor-in chief of the journal "Medical Alliance"
Head expert-specialist, thoracic surgeon of the Russian Health Care Ministry,
Director of the Federal State Institution Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russian Health Care Ministry
MD, professor PK Yablonskiy
The journal "Medical alliance" is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published under number 2179.
The journal is indexed with the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index)
Reprinting of the journal materials and using them in any form, including in electronic media, are possible with a permission of the publisher only.