The significant amount of researches is devoted to studying of value of macrophages in ensuring anti-infectious protection at a pulmonary tuberculosis. Meanwhile, it is a little date about participation in this process of polymorphonuclear neutrophils though these cells one of the first appear in the inflammation center. The quantitative assessment and studying of functional and metabolic features of polymorphonuclear neutrophils of blood at patients with different forms of a pulmonary tuberculosis became the purpose of work. Investigated blood of124 people from whom: control grain made 25 people and was presented by almost healthy people, the first group - 31 persons - had the restricted form of tuber- cular inflammatory process (tuberculoma), the second group - 44 persons - an infiltrative pulmonary tuber- culosis, the third - 24 persons - а fibro-cavernous tuberculosis of lungs. The absorbing capacity of neutrophils was estimated by method of a flow cytometry with use of the Phagotest set, metabolic activity - with use of the Bursttest test system. Function of a chemotaxis of neutrophils was determined by an expression on cells of markers of molecules of adhesion of CD11b+, CD11c+. Function of representation of an antigen was determined by HLA-DR- Ag expression. Statistical data processing is carried out with use of the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Statistica for Windows v.6.1 programs. Defined that existence of a tuberculoma is followed by decrease in development superoxide-anion neutrophils and expressions of markers of late activation (HLA-DR+). Also at a tuberculoma increase in quantity of neutrophils with molecules of adhesion CD11b+ and CD11c+ is found. Infiltrative tuberculosis is characterized by decrease in a phagocytic and metabolic reserve of neutrophils, increase in number of cells with markers of molecules of adhesion. At a fibro-cavernous tuberculosis of lungs the expressed increase in quantity of granulocytes is observed. It is followed by decrease in phagocytic potential of cells and increase in their functional and metabolic activity. Increase in number of the cells expressing CD11b+, CD11c+ is noted.