The role of somatic diseases in aggravated course of localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology
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localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology
cardiovascular diseases


Background. Necessity of somatic health evaluation of patients with local inflammatory processes in periodon- tal tissues is driven by frequent relapses of localized periodontal diseases. The mainstream treatments show low effectiveness in case of insufficient assessment of the local dental and somatic status of the patient. Objective. Evaluation of somatic state and system adaptation reaction in patients with localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology (LPTE). Material and methods. In-depth examination and all-inclusive treatment were carried out in 169 subjects (45–75 y.o.) with localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology from mild to moderate degree. The somatic state and system adaptation reaction were determined with laboratory and functional methods (blood tests, laser doppler flowmetry). Results. 1–2 somatic diseases were detected in 39.3% subjects, 3 and more — in 35.3% subjects with mild LPTE. Gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular diseases, allergic conditions, anemiа and respiratory system diseases emerged as risk factors for mild LPTE. 1–2 somatic diseases were detected in only 23.9% subjects, 3 and more illnesses — in 62.7% subjects with moderate LPTE. Most frequent were gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular diseases, anemiа, allergic conditions and urogenital diseases. The somatic diseases aggravated the course of the LPTE. There is strong correlation between system adaptation reaction in patients and degree of LPTE. There was statistically significant increase of moderate LPTE risk (1.8 times for tense system adaptation reaction, and 3.45 times for insufficient system adaptation reaction). Normal system adaptation reaction and mean leukocyte entropy of 62.8% were seen in mild LPTE. Tense system adaptation reaction and mean leukocyte entropy of 72.3% were seen in moderate LPTE. Conclusion. Functional state of system adaptation reserves may be determined by evaluating the somatic state, blood test analysis, leukocyte entropy, and C-reactive protein in patients with localized periodontitis of traumatic etiology. Gastrointestinal problems, cardio- vascular diseases, anemiа, allergic conditions, respiratory and urogenital diseases were found in most of subjects.
Decrease and tension of system adaptation reaction were detected in patients with 3 or more somatic diseases.
These findings could be used for planning treatment.

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