Influence of the electret electric field on osteoreparation and inflammation in surgical treatment of simulated tuberculous osteitis estimated by morphological and biochemical criteria
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bone defect
activity of tuberculous inflammation
electric field
electret based on anodic tantalum oxide


Introduction. Recent trends in orthopedic surgery target factors and conditions that affect the destructive process­es in bone tissue and the effectiveness of reconstructive surgery. Electrets based on anodic tantalum oxide with negative external surface charge (hereinafter, “electret”) create a quasi-static long-term electric field in the sur­rounding space. Their implantation in the surgical treat­ment of early stages of degenerative joint diseases is accompanied by pronounced analgesic effect and significant increase in the quality of life of patients.

Objective. To identify the features of osteogenesis and regression of specific inflammation in the surgical treatment of ex­perimental tuberculous osteitis in a constant electric field created by electret.

Materials and methods. We studied the processes of osteoreparation and dynamics of the bone tissue specific inflammation activity in 30 rabbits with simulated tuberculous osteitis of the distal (meta­diaphysis) femur. 3 animals were intact (group 1), 6 rab­bits did not receive any therapy after tuberculous oste­itis simulation (group 2), 9 rabbits (group 3) underwent necrectomy and osteoplasty with autograft, 9 rabbits (group 4) underwent necrectomy and electret implanta­tion (with further generation of quasi-static electric field), and 6 animals (group 5) underwent necrectomy, osteo­plasty with autograft and perifocal electret implantation. Animals in groups 3, 4 and 5 received antituberculous therapy. The observation period was 1, 2 and 4 months after the grafting procedure. Bone regeneration and in­flammation regression were assessed with morphologi­cal and biochemical methods (enzymes of the purinergic system — activity of total adenosine deaminase and its isoenzymes, elastase activity, level of acute phase reac­tants: ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, ?1-acid glycoprotein, and albumin).

Results. The evolution of tuberculous in­flammation of bone tissue was observed for the control periods in animals with simulated tuberculous osteitis. The analysis of bone tissue reparation and inflammation activity regression showed that only a combination of antituberculosis therapy, necrectomy, osteoplasty with autograft and electret perifocal implantation allowed in 2 months to achieve complete regression of active tuber­culosis and replacement of defect with mature trabec­ular bone.

Conclusion. The electret electric field based on anodic tantalum oxide with negative external surface charge accelerates the processes of osteoreparation and reduces the activity of tuberculous inflammation in the surgical treatment of experimental tuberculous osteitis.

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