Radiological semiotics mycobacteriosis of the lungs caused by М. аvium in immunocompetent patients


The aim of the present retrospective study was to analyse the features of the computed tomogra­phic (CT) semiotics of atypical mycobacterial infections of the lungs in HIV-nega­tive patients to those infected with Mycobacterium avium. Materials and methods. 37 HIV-negative patients to those infected with Mycobacterium avium and diagnosed in accordance with the criteria of the British Thoracic Society (2017) were Inclu­ded in retrospective cohort study in the period 2014-2018. Results. Ave­rage age was 57.4±12.5 years with a higher incidence of women (4:1). The commonest CT findings were bronchiectasis (62.2%), with a predominant lesion of subsegmental bronchi and a smaller caliber. Typical for this pathology is the involvement in process of both lungs in the S4 and S5 ­segments, combined with the defeat of any other segments. The multiplicity of lesions prevailed (at least 3 segments). In 19% of M. avium patients had the cavitary form (both single and multiple, including in combination with bronchiectasis). In almost all cases (97.3%), cavities and bronchiectasis in the lungs were combined with various focal and infiltrative changes. Seven (18.9%) cases had mycobacteriosis manifested itself only in isola­ted foci. Conclusion. The similarity of mycobacteriosis semiotics with other diseases (primarily with tuberculosis) require etiological verification in all cases suspected of Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM).

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