On the cusp of XX-XXI centuries TB is major international and national problem, still poses major challenges for public health in many countries all around the world. It gigantically harms humanity both economic and medical sides and it is one of leading reason of death from infection disease. Today it is considered by global community that early diagnosis of TB in high groups risk is priority area in fighting against TB. At the present research high effectiveness was proved QuantiFERON-TB (QFT), T-SPOT.TB tests and Diaskintest® (DST) in diagnosis of TB and latent TB infection in comparison with Mantoux test with 2 TE. LTI is in 34.3% according to the results T-SPOT.TB test and in 20.0% according to QuantiFERON- TB and tests with DST. Using these tests allow to identify of LTI among people who have directly contact with TB patients is significantly often in comparison with staff who have indirect contact. Received result allows to say about necessity to emphasize the category of staff in group of high risk for the TB development.