Demographic and clinical characteristics of the modern urogenital tuberculosis


131 patients’ case reports with newly diagnosed urogenital tuberculosis were studies to analyze structure of urogenital tuberculosis. All were patients were under observation of Novosibirsk Regional TB Dispensary in 2009 - 2011. Leading form in the structure of urogenital tuberculosis is kidney tuberculosis, which was detected in 75% of patients, more than half were in widespread destructive forms of the disease. Women more often suffered from isolated nephrotuberculosis - 56.8%. 17% of patients had asymptomatic nephrotuberculosis, one third complained of flank pain, and frequent painful urination (respectively 35.2% and 39.8%); intoxication was in 17%, from 9.1% - renal colic, at 7.9% - gross hematuria. Mycobacteriuria was found in 31.8%. Tuberculous orchiepididymitis had acute clinical course in 35.7%, haematospermia was observed in 7.1%, dysuria - in 35.7%. Main complaints were pain in the perineum (31.6%), frequent painful urination (31.6%), haematospermia (26.3%). Mycobacteria were detected in 10.5% of cases. Urogenital tuberculosis has no pathognomonic symptoms, most common are the long-term dysuria, hematuria, haematospermia.

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