
Central Research Institute for Organization and Computerization in Public Healthcare, Ministry of Healthcare, Russian Federation, Moscow A study of the organization TB detection by X-ray method was held. Sampling defects for preventive fluorography examinations of population had been in 20.7% of the institutions with a lack of X-ray card-files. It was established that the dual independent reading of X-ray films (reference method) was used only in about 8.9% of the institutions. Approximately 5% of X-ray positive individuals didn’t visit them for the control of the disease. 19.6% of additionally examined patients with suspected tuberculosis avoid examination in the anti- tuberculosis institutions. X-ray card-files reorganization in the institutions, in which they had been absent, organization of the X-ray film dual independent reading together with the introduction of separate registers for the first and second reading, an increase of the responsibility of primary care professionals for timely monitoring of the disease and appealing for care to the specialized institutions of X-ray positive persons, organization of control over the « Referral for counseling to the supporting offices» form document flow, timely samples collection for Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection by spu-tum smear method in X-ray positive individuals were proposed to reduce the negative impact of these processes. An increase of proportion of the primary TB cases, detected at routine preventive X-ray examinations, up to 82.7%; an increase of TB patient detection rate, using X-ray method, up to 1.19 per 1,000 of examined persons are expected with the implementation of these measures all over the Russian Federation.

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