The spread of HIV infection in the Leningrad region is a significant impediment to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in the region. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection, especially in the later stages, presents certain difficulties and bacteriological diagnostic test using the rapid methods in large part determine the outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of an accelerated culture dignostiki tuberculosis to gemokul'tivirovani? (BD BACTEC ™ 9050) and sputum (BD BACTEC ™ 960) in patients with HIV infection. In the study group were 85% of patients in the later stages of HIV infection by 25%) and (generalized preodladaniem (22%) and disseminated and tuberculosis. Introduction of an expedited diagnosis-gemokul'tivirovani? OFFICE on the unit (BD BACTEC ™ 9050) for patients with advanced HIV infection allows you to confirm the nature of pleural tuberculosis in the lungs, to that is often difficult to differentiate from other secondary disease when conventional methods of ILO in the pathological material is not defined.