State and renovation status of capital assets of TB medical facilities


Condition of capital assets medical organizations have not been studied for over 10 years. Sample investigations were performed on insufficient material and did not give knowledge about the state of capital assets of TB facilities in Russia. The aim of the study was to examine the state of capital assets of TB facilities and to evaluate efficacy of measures for their modernization. Data of statistical survey of TB control activities budgeting in 2012 was analyzed and structure of capital assets, their deterioration and modernization in Russia as a whole and by Federal Districts. Total value of capital assets of TB facilities amounted to 18.5 billion rubles, including - of buildings and structures - 11.4 billion rubles, equipment - 6.4 billion rubles, vehicles -0.7 billion rubles. Depreciation of therapeutic and diagnostic units premises was 47.9%, outbuildings and structures - 60%, equipment - 61.8%, vehicles - 73.6%, mobile fluorographs - 58.3%. In 2012, major budgeting was for repairs and reconstruction of buildings of TB facilities - 2,068,775,265 rubles, for new constructions- 2,351,817,188 rubles, which is 14,5% of initial costs of all premises.. Federal budget input was 19.8%. Costs of newly procured equipment were 2,865,630,419 rubles (25% of all expenses on equipment procurement), or 13.2% of the original costs of the equipment in use. Depreciation of capital assets of TB facilities was above the recommended level. Volume of financing in 2012 was sufficient for their scale up renovation. The main source of funding for renovation was regional budgets.

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