Key stakeholders’ (doctors, nurses, patients) satisfaction measurement in healthcare organizations (hereinafter - HCO) performance is an essential part of effective ma nagement’s provision for citizens available in HCO of high quality. This study proposes and tests methodology of stakeholders satisfaction’s measurement on the example of the state hospitals in St. Petersburg. Three types of questionnaires were developed for doctors, nurses and patients to get information about their satisfaction with various aspects of the HCO’s performance. Two surveys were conducted (in 2016 and in 2017) with these questionnaires. The original method of received data’s processing is provided. The ranking of the HCO by the stakeholder’s satisfaction was done taking into account the importance of different aspects of the functioning of the HCOs for doctors, nursing personnel and patients. Based on the measurement’s results, the basic directions of the analyzed HCOs development are formulated. The possibility of the mentioned method application for the purposes of strategy development of health care system of St. Petersburg is shown