HIV-infection progressive spread is one of the main causes of the current TB epidemic situation tension. Immunosuppression induces significant difficulties on the timely TB diagnosing. All these call for the necessity to develop of the novel and effective methods for diagnosis as well as for specific prevention, including a developing of the new vaccines, the creation of which requires the knowledge of the most immunogenic antigens of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. We studied the Interferon -Y production in the whole blood after stimulating immune response with different proteins of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in patients with active TB. The study results permitted us to evaluate the immunogenicity of the previously known proteins (Ag85a и ESAT-6) in comparison to the recently identified ones (Rv2957, Rv2958c и Rv0447), analyzing simultaneously their relation to tuberculin, as well as to antigens of the different viruses (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus, Influenza Virus). Protein Rv2958c, unlike protein ESAT-6, showed the high immunogenicity regarding to tuberculin. The expressed immunogenicity of protein Rv2958c might be indicated a possible greatest specificity of immune response to this antigen in TB patients. Meanwhile, bacillary tuberculosis was strongly associated with low immune response to this protein. We also were found statistical differences in immune responses of patients to the different Mycobacterium Tuberculosis antigens depending on the drug sensitivity. In addition it was interesting to know about a significantly low immune response of patients with Drug Resistant TB to protein pp65 CMV.