TB inpatient care for foreign citizens in Moscow, according to the order of the Moscow city Health Department№131 from 20.02.2013, is providing by the State Budget Health Care Facility «Tuberculous Hospital by A. E. Rabukhin of the Moscow City Health Department». At the hospital an organizational algorithm of registration and preparing the documentation with the aim of the further deportation of the foreign TB patient to their homeland is worked out. A structure of the 139 foreign TB patients who were admitted at the hospital in 2016 was studied. Clinically the new TB cases in foreigners were heavier, than in permanent Russian citizens. In foreign citizens TB comorbidities, which are worsening the TB development are diagnosed rarely. The TB lethal rate in foreign citizens is appeared below, and establishment of lung cavity closing at the end of the treatment was higher, than in permanent population of the Russian Federation. Loss to follow-up during the TB treatment in foreign citizens was observed identically to one in permanent population. For adaptation to the proved TB diagnosis, development oftreatment adherence and renewal of social relations for foreign patients with tuberculosis at the hospital the department of psychotherapy support and social rehabilitation are functioned.Keywords: foreign citizens, TB treatment, migrants