In the structure of somatic pathology, cardiovascular diseases are the first among the adult population, regardless of the place and conditions of residence. Patients suffering from tuberculosis of the respiratory organs are no exception. The aim of this study was to assess the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) in individuals with various somatic pathologies living in the Omsk district of the Omsk region for the period 2018–2022. Materials and methods. The retrospective study included 268 patients who had newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis from 2018 to 2022, living in rural areas of the Omsk district within the Omsk region, of these, 99 patients were diagnosed with somatic pathology (SP). In 99 patients (TB+SP), 155 cases of comorbid somatic pathology were detected. The median age (Me 25; 75) was 45.0 years (39; 55). The population of the Omsk region (Me 25; 75) was 78,324 (77,768; 78,388). The risk of developing tuberculosis was calculated using the odds ratio in comparison with residents of the region who had similar somatic pathology, but did not develop TB. Study results. In the TB+SP group (n=99), 54 cases of cardiovascular diseases, 48 cases of gastrointestinal tract diseases, 44 cases of bronchopulmonary diseases, and 9 cases of diabetes mellitus were detected. In the presence of cardiovascular diseases, the risk of developing TB is 1.4 times higher (OR 1.47, CI (1.08–1.98). Gastrointestinal diseases increase the risk of developing pulmonary tuberculosis by 10.6 times (OR 10.57, CI 7.71–14.51).The presence of bronchopulmonary pathology — by 11 times (OR 11.94, CI 8.61–16.58). Conclusion. Rural patients suffering from bronchopulmonary pathology are at the highest risk of developing tuberculosis infection, followed by patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases and cardiovascular pathology.